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External support from MSU

If you are interested in becoming a community pattern with MSU students and faculty please consider reaching out to the following opportunities.

Capstone projects. (Undergraduate and MSDS programs) 

For many degrees a “Capstone project” is required in the last year of a program.  These projects give students the opportunity to “show off” what they have learned and engage in “real world” problem solving. MSU is constantly seeking community partners with data science projects that would be suitable for students. These capstones include:

Potential community partners should fill out the MSU Data Science Community Partner Connection Form. If you would like, you can also reach out to Dr. Dirk Colbry (colbrydi@msu.edu) directly.

Internships and Job Opportunities for Students  

Community partners interested in hiring our Data Science students should reach out to the MSU Career Network - https://careernetwork.msu.edu/channels/for-employers/

Collaborations with MSU Research Foundation

Community partners that want to engage MSU research in data science are encouraged to reach out to the MSU Research Foundation: https://www.msufoundation.org/

Student Club Engagement 

Multiple data science student clubs are excited to engage with community partners in a variety of ways.  Some will host guest speakers as a recruiting opportunity to their members as a way to learn more about their companies.  Some clubs also accept sponsorship and even take on projects (similar to capstone projects) and work as teams to complete. Please see our list of clubs here.  


For questions or information about ways community partners can engage with MSU students and faculty, please feel free to contact Dr. Dirk Colbry at colbrydi@msu.edu